How to install eSIM Plan?

Download eSIM to your mobile phone
After you have purchase your eSIM plan, you will receive an email with a QR code. Please ensure that you are using an eSIM-enabled device and follow the instruction in the email to download the eSIM profile.

iPhone (IOS)

In "Settings", select "Mobile Data"

CT Roam eSIM Mobile Data

Select "Add Data Plan/Add eSIM"

CT Roam add eSIM

Scan QR Code in the email

CT Roam scan eSIM QR code

After you have added eSIM profile, the eSIM plan will be activated after some basic setting. 

CT Roam add eSIM data plan


In "Settings", select "Connections"

CT Roam Android eSIM setting

Select the "SIM manager"

CT Roam Android SIM Manager

Click on "Add eSIM"

CT Roam add eSIM

Click on "Scan QR code from service provider"

CT Roam Android scan QR code

Scan QR Code in the email

CT Roam Android Scan eSIM QR code

Depending on the phone model and OS version, the display name and steps may differ from the above steps.
We do not recommend using hotspot sharing for eSIM.

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